The Conference of the Italian Association of Manufacturing Technologies is intended to be a meeting point for the scientific community of manufacturing systems and technologies. It aims at promoting a fruitful cultural exchange between researchers and professors from Italian universities and manufacturing companies.
The scientific programme is composed of diverse sessions which enable wide participation to the Conference works, both during preparation and discussion.
In particular, there are five types of sessions:
“Young Researcher” Session
Plenary session for the young researchers members of A.I.TE.M. for presenting scientific works on innovative methodologies and technologies applied to the manufacturing sector.
Traditional Scientific Sessions
Sessions for presenting scientific works. Papers must be original and present prompts for technological innovations within the manufacturing sector.
“Work in Progress and Laboratories” Sessions
Sessions for presenting “in progress” research activity characterised by results that are not consolidated yet but are of interest to the community. The aim is to share new ideas on innovative themes (for example describing the structure and scientific contents of ongoing research projects) and/or to share information on the development stage of research and company laboratories.
Speaker’s Corner Sessions
Sessions for discussing themes of a wider scope, presented in the form of posters.
Discussion Sessions
Sessions including brief speeches (max. 3 minutes) on a topic of interest to industry, followed by a final discussion moderated by a coordinator.