Promozione L@ser


Promozione L@ser was created in 2005 to spread the “Laser culture” in Italy though continuous technical and scientific dialogue among its souls: UNIVERSITIES AND STUDY CENTERS, PRODUCERS OF LASER SOURCES AND SYSTEMS, USERS OF LASER SYSTEMS.

The underlying idea is creating an ideal meeting point for the mail Italian players involved in Laser processing techniques, a fast-track dialogue among their different souls.


The Section’s activities aim at promoting laser applications through:

- Disseminating the culture of laser processing techniques and laser safety;

- Studying and researching consolidated and new applications involving this fascinating and flexible tool;

- Continuous dialogue among Universities, Research Centres and industrial world to boost the dissemination, development, scientific and applied research on laser processing techniques. 

Participant research university labs and entities

More than 20 universities and research centres constitute Promozione L@ser, disseminating laser technology through numerous university courses and thanks to the activities of research laboratories.

Below is a list of the universities and research centres involved in Promozione L@ser and their corresponding contact persons.

Ali Gökhan Demir                  Politecnico di Milano

Carlo Biffi                               Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Luca Boccarusso                     Università di Napoli Federico II

Fabrizia Caiazzo                     Università degli Studi di Salerno

Vittorio Alfieri                                    Università degli Studi di Salerno

Giampaolo Campana             Università di Bologna

Sabina Luisa Campanelli        Politecnico di Bari

Giuseppe Casalino                  Politecnico di Bari

AntonioMaria Di Ilio              Università dell’Aquila

Gino Dini                                 Università di Pisa

Alessandro Fortunato             Università di Bologna

Alessandro Ascari                   Università di Bologna

Livan Frattini                          Università di Palermo

Luca  Giorleo                          Università di Brescia

Annamaria Gisario                 Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Francesco Lambiase               Università dell’Aquila

Enrico Lertola                         Università di Genova

Dante  Milani                          Università degli Studi di Pavia

Leonardo Orazi                      Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Luca Romoli                            Università degli Studi di Parma

Adrian Lutey                           Università degli Studi di Parma

StefanoGuarino                      Università Nicolò Cusano

Claudio Leone                        Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Silvio Genna                            Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata


Scuola Sicurezza Laser (Laser Safety School) and its supporting members

Within PromozioneL@ser, the Laser Safety School ( promotes a national community on laser safety, particularly focusing on the industrial sector, that is also prepared for international exchange.

A board of 10 leader companies of the laser sector support and promote the school:

  • Amada Italia,
  • BLM Group,
  • Coherent-Rofin,
  • Elettrosystem,
  • IPG Photonics,
  • Laser Optronic,
  • Optoprim,
  • Prima Power,
  • TTM – Bystronic Tube Processing
  • Univet

The Laser Safety School aims at fostering the continuous and safe growth of industrial laser applications and systems. This is why the School:

  • istituisce corsi di formazione;
  • pone in essere iniziative di divulgazione e/o di aggiornamento;
  • promuove attività di ricerca tecnico-scientifica e sviluppare tematiche di interesse in ambito sicurezza laser;
  • istituisce, promuove, e sovvenziona borse di studio e di ricerca scientifica in ambito sicurezza laser;
  • collabora con enti normatori nazionali e organizzazioni internazionali. 


Promozione L@ser collaborates with:

- Publitec Editore to divulge the Sections’ activities through the technical specialist journal Applicazioni Laser.

- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) to divulge the Section’s activities by organizing and participating to international conferences and by means of international publications



