The Laser Safety School (SSL), established within the Italian Association of Manufacturing Technologies (AITEM), offers training services for the industrial, research, telecommunication, and civil sectors, as well as for the healthcare, aesthetic, and veterinary fields.
It provides courses at different levels for Laser Safety Technicians (LST), Laser Safety Officers (LSO), supervisors, and laser operators.
It aims at serving as a technical and qualified reference point for problem solving activities related to laser safety.
Scheduled for November 2024
For more information, please contact:
The Laser Safety Technician and the Laser Safety Officer are professionals qualified to conduct laser risk assessments in compliance with Legislative Decree 81/08 and amendments, with the goal of eliminating or reducing such risks in the workplace.
They are able to determine and select the appropriate prevention and protection measures and verify the class of a laser product.
The Laser Safety Technician operates in the industrial, research, telecommunication, and civil application sectors, while the Laser Safety Officer operates in the healthcare, aesthetic, and veterinary fields.
Although the safety tasks in both fields overlap, the detailed knowledge necessary for risk assessment, related checks, and procedures depend partly on the type of laser sources used, the specific nature of the work, and the work environment.
The course will be activated if a minimum of 8 participants is reached.
The maximum number of participants is limited to 25.
Detailed Program of the course
First Common Part [28 hours] – Online [Monday, November 11, 2024, Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Monday, November 18, 2024, and Tuesday, November 19, 2024 – mornings only]
- Course objectives and purpose;
- Introduction to laser safety;
- The Laser Safety Technician/Officer;
- Laser physics fundamentals;
- Chapter V of Title VIII of Legislative Decree 81/08 and laser radiation;
- Effects of laser radiation exposure on the human body;
- Exposure Limit Values (ELVs) and Maximum Permissible Exposures (MPEs) for eyes and skin, including numerical exercises;
- Classification of laser products according to the IEC EN 60825-1, 3rd edition technical standard, Accessible Emission Limits (AELs), and related numerical exercises;
- Laser risk assessment (IEC TR 60825-14);
- Nominal Ocular Hazard Zone and Distance (NOHZ and NOHD) with numerical examples;
- Prevention and protection measures for users;
- Laser barriers (CEI EN 60825-4);
- Screens (UNI EN 12254);
- Personal Protective Equipment: eye protection devices prescription according to European technical standards UNI EN 207 and UNI EN 208, with numerical exercises;
- Measurement instruments and beam characterization;
Industrial Sector [4 hours] – Online [Tuesday, November 19, 2024, afternoon]
- Major applications in the industrial sector;
- Laser risk assessment (IEC TR 60825-14) with a focus on the industrial field;
- Collateral risks, especially in the industrial field (typical applications);
- Machine safety: the UNI EN 11553 standard;
Healthcare Sector [4 hours] – Online [Wednesday, November 20, 2024, morning]
- Major diagnostic, surgical, therapeutic, and aesthetic applications;
- Collateral risks, especially in the healthcare field (typical applications);
- User guide 76-6;
- Overview of medical devices and the CEI EN 60601-2-22 standard.
Final Common Part [8 hours] – On site at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanics (Via La Masa, 1 - 20156 Milan) [Friday, November 22, 2024]
- Case studies and assessment examples;
- Final learning assessment
Please see the application form for costs.