Composites and polymers technologies
Polymeric and composite materials have widely penetrated the scientific interests of Italian technologists thanks to their unique characteristics, from light weight to high resistance and high stiffness.
This is why it was extremely useful and interesting to create a Section within A.I.TE.M. dedicated to their technologies, in order to develop and catalyse meetings and exchanges among Italian researchers working on the variety of aspects of these topics.
As a matter of fact, the section will aim at promoting meetings and special days of seminars, research presentation, national and international conferences and congresses to foster synergic research and applications attracting industrial interests, as it is already a frequent case.
As in many other sectors, over the last decade we have seen a proliferation of national and international events on polymers and composites. This has resulted in the fragmentation of the consumer base, thus the need, for A.I.TE.M. too, to reconsider how events are organised. Today, because of the faster circulation and availability of news, events must be organised by detecting extremely specific topics. It is also necessary to reach potentially interested subjects though the multiple dissemination channels available.
Pertanto, fin dall’inizio la sezione si avvarrà della collaborazione di un centro esistente con analoghe funzioni, nell’ambito della AMME-Asmeccanica, società con scopi culturali nel campo della meccanica in genere: il “Centro Materiali Compositi”, esistente dal 1975, che opera a livello nazionale ed internazionale nel settore dei compositi. Tramite il CMC la sezione AITEM sulle TECNOLOGIE DEI POLIMERI E DEI COMPOSITI sarà anche in contatto con i promotori e fondatori dell’attuale ESCM, European Society for Composite Materials, nata nel 1984.
In addition to the above-mentioned cultural and dissemination activities, the Section is also intended to be a highly-qualified structure for advice and collaboration with manufacturing companies.