Università degli Studi di Palermo

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Researchers of the Manufacturing Technology Group (MTG) do believe that manufacturing processes are the first end fundamental steps to take for enabling Circular Economy strategies including Industrial Symbiosis (IS) . Reprocessing process scrap and End-of-Life components rises new challenges for manufacturing processes scientists; they are called to rethink conventional processes and/or to find new manufacturing processes suitable for process scrap and E-o-L components reprocessing. Within PRIN 2022 founding scheme, three projects on the aforementioned topic have been funded. Specifically, projects are about both the application of solid state recycling for turning chips into semifinished products and the application of flexible sheet metal forming processes for Reshaping E-o-L components. Concerning the first approach, the idea is to obtain recycled semifinished products (Wires, rods, billet) with a low environmental impact and to test them on subsequent operations ( WAAM, Forging, SPD.) under the IS Perspective. As far as the Reshaping is concerned, the potential of Flexible Sheet Metal Forming (FSMF) processes for Reshaping sheet based E-o-L components is analyzed.
